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Redentore Festivity 2024 in Venice

An exclusive proposal for Saturday, July 20th: dinner at La Caravella Restaurant and fireworks from our panoramic terrace.

The Festa del Redentore is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of July to commemorate the end of the plague of 1575-1577.

The Venetians, however, actually celebrate it on the night before (Saturday evening) with a typical dinner: someone by boat, some on the many terraces and roof terraces around the city, some others with tables along the banks from where, after dinner, everyone can admire the special fireworks display which usually starts at 11.30 pm in the San Marco Basin (access to the San Marco basin by boat and to the banks is limited and upon reservation only).

This is the most heartfelt and popular feast of Venice: the organization begins some days before with the setting up of tables, boats, parties and the preparation of typical recipes.

The Redentore Dinner at our La Caravella Restaurant

To celebrate the Redentore festivity, our La Caravella Restaurant offers two options: the first at 7pm and a second one at 9.15pm.

You can choose your favorite dishes from our à la carte menu.

Only for those who dined here (with a minimum charge of €80) there is the possibility to access our panoramic terrace*, starting at 10.30pm, with a supplement of € 45 per person with two drinks included and the inevitable slice of watermelon, as per ancient tradition, to enjoy the highest fireworks above the roofs of Venice.

*In case of bad weather, after-dinner drinks will be served in the hotel's noble floor lounge.

Reservations for Redentore dinner and terrace are required.
Places are limited.


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